Meet the Governors

Basnett Street Nursery School Governing Body
Basnett Street Nursery School is proud to have a highly dedicated and talented team of Governors who work incredibly hard for our school community. 

The Governing Body has a legal responsibility for the Nursery School and works with the Headteacher  to set the vision and strategic aims of the school and to monitor and evaluate performance. Our Governing Body is made up of members who are drawn from the school, parents, the LA and our local community.  All Governors regularly attend training courses to update their knowledge, understanding and skills to fulfil their individual roles and responsibilities within the Governing Body. They fully support the school on visits and join in celebrations and special events. 

Parent Governors are parents who are attending nursery school at the time of their appointment. Parents can express an interest when there is a vacancy and all parents are eligible. Staff Governors are elected by staff of the school, Local Authority representatives are elected by Lancashire County Council and Co-opted Governors are elected by the Governing Body based on their skills and experience relevant to the school.

Full Governing Body Meetings are held termly, three times a year. In addition there are termly Resources and Curriculum committee meetings held.

If you would like any further information about our Governing Body, please speak to the Headteacher or ring the school office - 01282-457235.

Basnett Street Nursery School Governing Body Declaration of Business Interests


Type of Governor

Term of Office Start Date

Term of Office End Date

Elected   By

Position of Responsibility

Committee Membership

Declaration of Business Interests

Mrs Thelma Cullen Community 02/06/2019 01/06/2023 Co-opted

Chair of Governors

Vice Chair of SEC

Resources SEC

Mrs Lindsay Ingham Headteacher 01/01/2017 31/12/2024 N/A Headteacher



Governor at Heasandford Primary School

Trustee of the Chatterbox Club 


Mrs Helen Mansfield

Community 01/09/2018 31/08/2026 Co-opted  



Employee of Heasandford Primary School


Mrs Grace Walker

Local Authority 12/11/2020 11/11/2024 LCC  



Employee of The Chatterbox Club


Deborah Dawson Parent 01/03/2021 01/03/2025 Parent  

Full Governing Body


Kinza Tasaddug Parent 18/11/2023 17/11/2027 Parent  

Full Governing Body


Mrs Evie Wraight Parent  15/09/2022 14/09/2026   Election  


Ms Emma Barker Staff 12/05/2022 11/05/2026 Election Lead EYFS Teacher





  • Ms Emma Barker
  • Mrs Thelma Cullen
  • Miss Elizabeth Hall
  • Mrs Lindsay Ingham
  • Mrs Helen Mansfield
  • Mrs Grace Walker
  • Mrs K Tasadduq
  • Ms E Barker
  • Mrs Thelma Cullen
  • Mrs Debra Dawson
  • Mrs Lindsay Ingham
  • Mrs E Wraight

Any three untainted Governors

Mrs E Wraight

Child Protection & PREVENT, - Mrs Thelma Cullen

SEND,EYPP, Online Safety & More Able - Mrs Helen Mansfield

Equality  - Mrs Debra Dawson

LINK, Health and Safety, LASGB, Community Cohesion & School Website- Mrs Grace Walker

Numeracy - Mrs Victoria Metelko-Taylor

Attendance - Mrs Evie Wraight

Community Cohesioin - Mrs G Walker

LASGB - Mrs. G Walker

EYPP Governor - Mrs  H Mansfield

Website Governor - Mrs. G Walker

E-safety Governor - Mrs H Mansfield

More Able Governor - Mrs H Mansfield




Any three untainted governors excluding staff governors

  • Mrs. Grace Walker
  • Mrs. Lindsay Ingham
  • Vacancy
  • Mrs. Grace Walker
  • Vacancy
  • Mrs. Lindsay Ingham